Wow - it's been awhile! and life's been hectic...thanks for sticking around!
In trying to hold down the fort, so to speak, blogging was the first to go (sorry - I promise, I've missed you guys)! Now that things have settled back down to a normal routine, I am looking forward to getting back to some normal posting - more giveaways - can you believe, I have actually had to turn down companies over the past four months asking for product reviews? I wish I would have had time to share some of their great products with you...maybe now there will be time and hopefully some more companies contacting me (no begging here - promise)!
I hope to actually do more than just post the great bargains, products, websites, but include a little bit more about life and other things I think are interesting and hopefully in turn get to know you all a little bit better too! Who knows, maybe I will get around to actually stepping foot in the gym and maybe just maybe, I will be able to share some triumphs too!
I am also hoping to change the blog design and background up somewhat - it's been the same for awhile, so it's time for something new and exciting - don't you think? So it's time for me to come up with some new ideas, link up to some great blogs (let me know if I should include yours - I'll be building the list and linking it as I redesign), and get started again! Thanks for sticking with me!
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